Enter the legal name of your health care organization
Use the search below to find your organization. If they're already a member you can proceed with signing up new users. If no membership agreement is found, you can request OTNhub membership for your organization here.
To find your organization in the search results, add unique identifiers or specific details to its common name. For organizations with several locations or accounts, narrow your search by using the city or site. Search using individual terms instead of the full name for more precise results.
Please review and confirm your information:
By completing this form, you give Ontario Health permission
to collect, use and disclose information for the purpose of processing your application and administering
the services provided in OTNhub. For questions regarding Ontario Health's privacy practices,
please contact
This form may contain confidential information and its contents should not be distributed,
copied or disclosed to any unauthorized persons. If you have accessed a completed form in error, please contact Ontario Health at 1.855.654.0888.
This may take up to 5 minutes. Please do not refresh the browser, use its back functionality, or close the browser until you receive a confirmation message.
Thank you for completing your OTNhub application form.
Applicants will receive an email shortly with next steps.
Please do not attempt to log in to the OTNhub until we’ve sent you instructions.
For applicants with no ONE® ID accounts
A ONE® ID Local Registration Agent (LRA) will contact the applicants by email to confirm their appointment and provide the details to complete the identify validation via videoconference.
Once completed, the applicants will receive ONE® ID credentials, and then login instructions from Ontario Health.
For applicants with a ONE® ID account
The applicants level of assurance will be checked with Ontario Health for privacy and security. Applications will be processed within 1-2 business days. Once confirmed, OTNhub login instructions will be sent.
If you have not heard from us within the next 10 business days, please contact us at serviceactivation@otn.ca or call us at 1-855-654-0888.
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